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Support Us

Support Us

St Mary’s Trust is here because of the generous support of people in the UK who over the years have either donated to the charity, left a gift in their Will or regularly sponsor a child.

Every donation to or monies raised, large or small, can make a real difference in the lives of these young people. A single charitable donation, fundraising or setting up your own monthly sponsorship will help ensure that we will always be there now and in the future for the children in Andhra Pradesh.

There are many ways that you can support us:

You could consider being one of the people who sponsors a child. Sponsoring a child costs £10 a month and we ensure that this money is used to for the welfare of the children in our care. You will receive a profile of the child you are sponsoring, telling you a little about them and their history, including a photo and twice a year you will receive an update on the progress and news of them and the school.
Or you may want to make a one off donation.
Support Us
PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online! If you would like to discuss the options in more detail or request a sponsorship form please fill out the enquiry form and we will get back in touch with you. You are also welcome to call on the number below. Tel: 07305 445 484